
Friday, February 29, 2008

Fangirl Fridays: 1000 Posts! (And Counting)

It occurred to me the other day that this week I've surpassed 1000 posts on this blog. Not bad for a year and a few months.

Little did I know when I first stepped foot on DC Comics' blue-and-red carpet eight years ago what a vista of adventure and excitement awaited me in the world of mainstream comic books.

And when I look back on my life and career many years from now, I guess I'm really going to have to point to DC as the place that provided me with the clarity and direction to find my true calling in life. Thanks, guys. You are teh awesome. Feel free to drop review copies of CMX books in my mailbox for Manga Mondays anytime.

Well, to celebrate my 1,000th post -- and to help me go on vacation so I can focus on crucial Friends of Lulu biz -- all next week will be a retrospective on the highlights (and, maybe, a few lowlights) from OCCASIONAL SUPERHEROINE so far.

The way I would like to work it is to pick several of my posts on certain topics & provide links and perhaps some brief commentary. If you have any suggestions on topics, let me know.

Each day will have one retrospective post. Then regular blogging will resume March 10 (with perhaps a few posts the weekend before).

As always, thank you so much for the support and patronage. If this was a store, I would give you one of those vinyl wallets with my name on it, or perhaps even a small clock in a wooden box. Or a plate of cookies.

PS: My e-mail is still backed up, but I'm going to be working on it this coming week. So if I haven't written back, it's not that I'm ignoring you. It's because I'm a little bit of a goober. But don't worry, I've read one of those posts on "how to go through your inbox like an e-mail ninja."


  1. Congrats. I've only started reading this blog in the past few weeks since the interview you did with the Spurge. Since then I've read through a lot of it and this thing is fantastic. You are a very brave, clever and funny writer/blogger/whateverer. I actually have little to no interest in superheroes anymore but your take on things is very interesting. Thanks.

  2. Congrats, Val. But no cookies? How is it that we can put a man on the moon, and we still can't send food over the internet?

  3. Big freaking congrats!! Looking forward to thousands more!

  4. Ooh, the best of OS! Can't wait to see, Val!

  5. Thanks, Lewis!

    I'm trying to see if Jon Stewart can host it.

  6. Congrats! May I nominate a line?

    It's that one where you typed in something really obscene like young lusty sluts or something, and then in parenthesis: (Hi, google searchers!)

    I don't remember which post, but that was great. That's when I knew I'd put you on google reader.
