Here's a sampling of what I'm planning to buy this week...
Follow the Diamond shipping list and make your own picks!
Follow the Diamond shipping list and make your own picks!
Dark Horse
DC Comics

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

Marvel Comics
Marvel Comics

i know what i'm NOT buying this week...
ReplyDeletebut i'm looking forward most to the next chapter of messiah complex.
it has been sooooo good.
Amazing Spider-Man
ReplyDeleteMighty Avengers
Infinity, Inc.
sigh. spider go home!
ReplyDeleteHulk, just to see if Loeb can get any worse.
ReplyDeleteAmazing Spider-Man, to get my blood up.
But hey, at least I'm enjoying Messiah Complex.
I'm surprised I don't have to wait three months for a new Mighty Avengers. How kind of Marvel.
ReplyDeleteGLC Maybe
Salvation Run
Amazing Spider-Man
Mighty Avengers
Onslaught Reborn (I know...)
I'm surprised you're going for the Hulk after Loeb's recent work...
(Hopefully) Comic-y goodness this week...
ReplyDeleteGoon (monthly! Yay!)
Amazing Spider-Man (Fun and good, I fervently hope!)
Mighty Avengers (Because I'm still trying to generate thought balloons from my skull at will)
X-Factor (which still remains jaunty despite being in the X-over mire)
Xombie (because sentient, action-hero zombies need love, too!)
Nightwing and X-Factor.
ReplyDeleteI love Dan Slott, but I hated OMD (actually I loved Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark... so much I can correctly spell their unwieldy full name), so I think I'll wait and buy Spidey in trade just to make a point (sorry, Dan).
ReplyDeleteGreen Arrow/Black Canery
ReplyDeleteYoungblood (I want to see what Joe Casey can do with it)
Punisher War Journal
Maybe Nightwing and Amazing Spider-man (thought I have never really read it and might just wait for the Bachalo issues)
X-Factor (top of the stack)
ReplyDeleteMight Avengers
Punisher War Journal
The Twelve
And, I guess, The Hulk. Curious but not enthused.
No idea what I'm buying, but great new look, Val.
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, of course I'm buying Countdown - although fatigue is setting in with me. Maybe it would work better as bathroom reading?
Red Sonja of course
ReplyDeleteNothing tomorrow, but when I get around to having the money, I'll pick up:
ReplyDeleteBuffy Omnibus Volume Three
Savage Sword of Conan Volume One
JSA Presents Stars and STRIPES Volume Two
Showcase Presents Robin Volume One
Essential Captain America Volume Four
Nextwave Volume Two: I Kick Your Face
I don't bother with floppies anymore. In fact, I'll probably let everything but the Showcase and the Essential slide for a few months.
From the last two weeks all I'm getting is two issues of Countdown and Bat Lash #2. Maybe there's hope for my wallet yet?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, of course I'm buying Countdown - although fatigue is setting in with me. Maybe it would work better as bathroom reading?
ReplyDeleteDanBizzle, I loves ya. I really do. ^_^
As for me, my work bans the Diamond comics shipping list. Maybe because its about shipping and someone in IT read too many X-Files fanfics? But I do know I've got a couple of GLC-related things in my pull file from last week, but I'm still buzzing off of the last Blue Beetle to care too much. ^_^
There's actually 15 titles on my pull for this week, but the things I'm looking forward to the most are
Spirit (last issue of Cooke's run)
Titans Lost Annual (can't wait to see them encounter Jack, Locke, Kate and all the rest - what?)
This week my Spider-Man money will go to see what Stern and Byrne do with JLA Classified. I mean, as long as we're flashing back to the 80s...
I'm surprised I don't have to wait three months for a new Mighty Avengers.
That's because we're out of Cho and into Bagley. I'll be surprised if his issues aren't bi-weekly...
52 The Four Horsemen #6 - assuming I can track down issues 4 and 5, that is (which reminds me, find Crime Bible 2 and 3)
ReplyDeleteMighty Avengers #7 - "Symbiotes, symbiotes, goddamn symbiotes! When, Lord?!? When the hell do I get to see the Goddamn Symbiotes?!?"
Gen 13 #16 - I really enjoy them exploring the idea that all their entire existences and appearances are preprogrammed. Well, at least Caitlin exploring that idea (and her own body image issues by extension).
The Twelve #1 - The concept sounds intriguing enough to get me to pick up issue one. Plus, the art is interesting.
The Boys #14 - It's good clean fun for the whole family, darn it.
Goon #20
ReplyDeleteGA/BC #4
GLC #20
Stars & S.T.R.I.P.E. Vol. 2
Showcase Presents : Robin, The Boy Wonder
The Spirit #12
Teen Titans : The Lost Annual
Hulk #1
Youngblood #1 (if it ships)