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Wonder Woman Vs. Namor In A Swordfight

Who would win?
"She can decapitate with her tiara."
"I meant for this to only be a swordfight. No other weapons (like tiaras and lassos and such.)"
Got that? Stop screwing around. This is a serious debate!

Fortuna: Another Caped Do-Gooder Roaming The Streets, Making Multimedia Art Installations

"Masked, caped and packing a staple gun, a do-gooder known by the moniker Fortuna stalks the Wicker Park streets, tagging barren walls with posters announcing her dominance over evil. She's literally your friendly neighborhood superhero."
I heard Top Cow might be getting the rights to this, but they're going to have to add some cybernetic demon-hand pasties.

Gwen Stacy: Mexican Pinup Queen

Again With The Comics explores the Mexican 60's/70's reprint series "The Surprising Spider-Man":
I also have to wonder, are these stories considered canon to Mexican collectors? Is "Misterio del vampiro de la playa del bikinÃ" held in the same esteem as, say, the Master Planner arc or the Stone Tablet Saga? Inquiring, idiotic minds want to know!
As you can see, there was some effort made by the editors of "The Surprising Spider-Man" to capitalize on Gwen Stacy's... (don't say "assets," don't say "assets"...)

I like the idea that somebody on their staff actually had to draw a big ass onto Gwen. Like, that was an actual instruction that person received. "More ass! We've got to sell these damn comics!"

Gay and Bisexual Characters In Comics

Clip n' save this handy list, take it with you to your local comic book store, courtesy of The Gay League.
Some reflections on the list:
1) The "Bi" list seems to be made up of a lot of hot women and Mephisto. Draw your own conclusions.
2) "Doctor Stingaree" is gay. In case you were wondering.
3) Anybody remember back in Morrison's "Doom Patrol" when "Danny The Street" turned out to be gay? He was a friggin' street. He was a street with a distinct sexual orientation. Welcome to highbrow comix.
4) "Tlaango" is gay. Just in case you were debating it.
5) Is it a rule of comics that all gay characters have to have wacky names? Like you'll have a lesbian couple in some Vertigo book with the names "Pussywillow and Hotbox." Oh, that's clever. Welcome to highbrow comix.
6) Skyppi The Skrull has an "uncertain sexual orientation." Just in case you were wondering. Actually, I heard they are going to retcon that; he was really Black Bolt in disguise.

Video: "The Fantastic Four Song"
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Going through the gay list, I couldn't see Pussywillow or Hotbox, so I realize you were joking on the front, but outside of joke character Go Go Fiasco, almost of the names are pretty standard Superhero stupid names. I won't doubt they are some stinkers like Extrano or Percival Pinkerton, but those were made at least 20 years ago.
ReplyDeleteDanny was a sentient being. Since most sentient creatures have sexual feelings, I would be surprised if he didn't have some orientation. Besides, who says a Street can't love another person of the same gender?
Danny the street was a transvestite, not gay.
ReplyDeletePossibly transvestite and gay, but still a transvestite.
ReplyDeleteNow you see, I've been married to a Brit for too long -- my first thought at "demon-hand pasties" was "Why would she be wearing meat pies?"
ReplyDelete*blink* Archangel's gay? I knew Beast was talking about himself being gay at one point, but I missed Warren's outing. Last time I checked in, he was invovled in a creepy relationship with Husk, a former member of Generation X who is clearly too young for a founding member of the X-men.
ReplyDeleteApologies. Went back to look, and it's the 1602 Archangel. Which I already knew.
ReplyDelete"Apologies. Went back to look, and it's the 1602 Archangel. Which I already knew."
ReplyDeleteDoes it really count when the boy he was in love with was actually a girl?
Shouldn't Xavin be on the transgender/transexual list? At the very least he is gender confused.
And is Spider-Woman III Mattie Franklin?
The link on the name lists Spider-Woman III as Mattie with her orientation as uncertain.
ReplyDeleteXavin should certainly be on the trans list. (Hi, I'm a Skrull boy shapeshifted into a human-shaped girl to make my lesbian alien girlfriend happy). Course, that girlfriend, Lucy in the Sky, is also missing from the lesbian list.
And since Archangel's attraction was to something he thought was a boy, it would certainly seem to meet the willingness to smoke sausage criteria.
One of the lesbians in Sandman: A Game of You was named Foxglove. (Her gf was Hazel, IIRC -- a normal enough name.) That certainly had some suggestive connotations. To me anyhow...
ReplyDeleteI’m surprised you didn’t sneak a Capt. Jack reference in here. Did you miss the new episode of Torchwood, with the slashfic appearance of Spike from Buffy as Capt. John?
ReplyDeleteAs far as I remember, those Spiderman comics only had new covers, not actual new content. But if it was new content, not only they were not considered canon, but also, most of the collectors around here have totally forgotten about them. I know a couple of Silver/Golden age obsessed fans, and none ever mentioned anything about mexican made Spiderman stories. One would think they would've mentioned it if it had happened.
ReplyDelete1) The "Bi" list seems to be made up of a lot of hot women and Mephisto. Draw your own conclusions.
ReplyDeleteThe devil is the leading cause of bisexuality in women?
Ooops, excuse me, I broke my bible thumping it too hard.
"Course, that girlfriend, Lucy in the Sky, is also missing from the lesbian list."
ReplyDeleteActually, she's listed under Karolina Dean.
Vaughan's Runaways was like crack, reading it in those cheap little digests.
"Gwen Stacy: Mexican Pinup Queen" oh but in Latin America we have a fixation with "assets" among other things... if someone is fluent in Spanish you can read the following article about it:
I actually find Danny the Street easier to buy than the idea of assigning Mephisto a sexuality in human terms.
ReplyDeleteI ran Velan's website though a free webpage translator, and the ineptly translated article was a riot! A sample passage:
ReplyDeleteUnlike the mammary silicones, that are acquired and they are enjoyed the operating room when coming out, the beautiful ass demands intense and permanent work. Just now, which it is so easy to become of a prodigious advantage, desire moves towards another objective: most indefinite of the sexual symbols, the only one which nobody lacks. The obsession by those young, fibrous and hard tails also expresses to one more a more permeable society to the sexual ambiguity, in which travesti is the new queen of the conchero.
"Karolina Dean" - Whoops, you're right. I was looking her up as Leslie Dean, cause that which how she named in the proposal for the series (one of the extras in the back of the first hardback collection). Shame on me for not checking with what actually got published.
ReplyDeleteOh, and that Torchwood kiss was yummy. But not long enough. And too many clothes.
that band is awful.
ReplyDeleteps. that list is funny.
the bisexual list is typical.
next time a writer/artist wants their "bisexual" and or "lesbian" characters taken seriously they should trim down the finger nails.
only fake lesbians in porn have long ass girly nails.
I don't know whether it was 616 or Ultimate beast, but I do recall reading that one of them claimed to be gay in a magazine interview to mess with the interviewer/provoke discussion about gays and mutation, or similar.
ReplyDeleteHe was a pretty young Hank, so I think it must've been Ultimate..? (/me doesn't care that much about the X-Men).
Hey! They left out Galactus under uncertain orientation. Also Eternity. And I'm pretty sure Death is bi.
ReplyDelete"I also have to wonder, are these stories considered canon to Mexican collectors? Is "Misterio del vampiro de la playa del bikinÃ" held in the same esteem as, say, the Master Planner arc or the Stone Tablet Saga? Inquiring, idiotic minds want to know!"
ReplyDeleteI wish I knew :/, I will try to find some collector of the Novarro editions (because I think those ones were published by that editorial) and ask them...