Wearing The Wonder Woman Cami
Okay, so yesterday I decided to wear my Wonder Woman camisole with a fancy jacket.
"Camisole" is a fancy way of saying "one half of a pair of WW Underoos." But it's a tank top, basically.
To back up:
My BF had surprised me with this set a few weeks ago:

But anyway, the whole ensemble I wore yesterday was very tasteful -- no belly, no boobage. No, I didn't wear the underpants outside, I had jeans, boots. Not outwardly sexy at all.
But I got stared at from the very moment I left the apartment.
And people would stop me in the middle of the street and go:
"Wonder Woman! It's Wonder Woman!"
I s**t you not.
I had middle-aged accountant-types doing the Lynda Carter costume-change twirl.
I had groups of twenty-somethings of both genders stop and scream out:
"Go, Wonder Woman!"
More restrained onlookers said with a restrained air of fanboy cultivation:
"Nice shirt."
Of course, I had to wait for my BF in front of a comic shop -- so this only got worse.
Now as I said before, there was no boobage involved -- the camisole was a little baggy and between that and the jacket there was not a lot of cleavage or skin or anything. Very plain.
But I think it's the magnetic quality of that "WW" icon -- the colors, the symbol, everything -- that draws people. It's instantly recognizable. It provokes a reaction. It's like the Superman & Batman symbol.
Which is why I think a well-executed Wonder Woman comic, movie, or TV series would be a huge success. The appeal is being seriously underestimated.
"Honey, I'm Home!"
"Laws of Editorially-Driven Content" #458:
When starting a "universe-shattering" & "relevant" mini-series event, have the first issue end with the husband coming home to find the wife dead amongst the now-ironic detritus of their once-idyllic domestic life. It's kind of a cheap shot, but it does keep them coming back for seconds.

"And also, people don’t like cats, so it gets a bit more of a pass. Most people reading New Avengers are dog people. "

--Brian Michael Bendis on the "Tigra Beatdown" scene in New Avengers #35
(via Expertologist)
"Strip Search Sally" And Other Halloween Options For The Ladies
Comics Fairplay posted this list of the top women's Halloween costumes according to Halloweenmart.com:
1. Referee
2. Jail Bait
3. Gothic Black Fairy
4. Lacy Pirate
5. Strip Search Sally
6. Bohemian Go Go Girl
7. Shimmer Witch
8. Gangster Moll
9. Geisha
10. Vixen Pirate Wench
Now I have to admit, "Referee" was rather encouraging because that's an occupation of some power and skill. See, you can be:
Of course, it also should be noted that nobody is putting a gun to these women's heads to buy this stuff. (Well, I did hear somebody out a gun to Tigra's head, but...)
Pop Candy Meet-Up In NYC Yesterday
Attended a NYC meet-up for Whitney Matheson's Pop Candy blog on USA Today.com. Pizza was served and a good time was had by all.
Hey, if I throw one of these meet-up shindigs, anybody interested?
David Chase, Just Shut Up

The "Sopranos" creator expounds further on "that ending," hinting that Tony really didn't die. In the process, he manages to put down the fans of his show once again, comparing them to a bunch of "pathetic" barbaric individuals who love violence and bloodshed.
You know, I'm so sorry the rabid fanbase for the show doesn't quite match Chase's highbrow fantasies, but they are fans and they buy the DVDs and have been loyal and kept him quite wealthy so why not just suck it up? Yeah, I know you're an artiste but have a modicum of gratefulness.
"Smallville" Last Night
Was that "Smallville" or "Hostel 2"?
Dean Cain is still looking good though. Tho not as good as Waxy Colin:

That's all we have for this edition of "Fangirl Fridays." Y'all have an excellent weekend. I know I will.

I'd show up, & I'd drag FordMadoxFraud along with me.
ReplyDeleteMaybe waxy Colin needs his own blog page?
ReplyDeleteMy question is: Which one of them had the groceries, Barda or Scott coming home? Maybe it will be more clear when I get to read the comic.
Also, YES. DC is finally getting it into its head that WW is a marketable property, bringing her more & more into the "Big Three". I think it is only a matter of time before other parts of Time Warner realize that they are being idiots by not exploiting that.
ReplyDeleteThough for the record, I don't think WW should fly, nor do I think she should punch as hard as Superman. Batman doesn't do either of those things & he's in the Big Leagues. I'd like to see something better than "she's super strong!" being pitched to make WW top dog material.
Oh yeah, and that Smallville thing was really unnecessary. Especially the scene were he was feeling for the "Bee Girl's" organs, ick.
ReplyDeleteNot quite as direct a ripoff as when they did the "Saw" episode with Lionel in the weird flame room. That was pretty lame.
Andy: Right? Can you imagine Big Barda shopping for groceries?
ReplyDeleteThe scene never made it into the actual episode. At least the actual feeling/cutting /blood splash scene.
ReplyDeleteFirst off, I've got all sorts of freaky-scary images in my head thanks to those Superman briefs. Now I don't know when I'll be able to chat with your beau again! Gah! Did NOT need to see that!
ReplyDeleteAs to the WW imagry, I think there's actually a greater power of symbolism there in the public consciousness than with Supes or Bats. I think their chest symbols have permeated a little too much into society to really carry the weight of the characters they stem from. WW, on the other hand, is well-known and appreciated but hasn't yet been diluted in our collective consciousness. So the WW symbol still has the power to represent something cool and powerful. WW -- especially as portrayed by Carter -- still is the woman guys want and the one women want to be: strong and independent, but attractive and feminine. The WW chest symbol still holds a fairly consistent message that the Bat-symbol and the S do not.
Camisoles = tank tops.
ReplyDeleteTank tops = strange power.
No matter what.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWalking to my friends' Halloween wedding a few years ago, people kept shouting "Hey yo, Wonder Woman!" at me.
ReplyDeleteI was dressed as Power Girl.
So obviously, any unrecognizable female superhero is automatically Wonder Woman.
Also, a great throwaway line from "Sky High" was Lynda Carter (playing the headmistress) saying she couldn't properly discipline some troublemakers, adding, "What do I look like, Wonder Woman?"
mordicai said...
ReplyDeleteAndy: Right? Can you imagine Big Barda shopping for groceries?
-Actually wouldn't that have been a sweet comic story? Wasted potential here DC!
Jamal Igle said...
The scene never made it into the actual episode. At least the actual feeling/cutting /blood splash scene.
-I was talking about the part where Vandal Savage (I mean the Doctor) was touching her and getting ready to cut. It was very creepy. Thankfully they didn't show the surgery, but I imagine they would have been censored if they tried to air it.
In the days of the Giffen Justice League, Barda was very domestic, but always in a sort of wonderfully barbaric way.
ReplyDeleteWhenever me or my family see someone wearing a t-shirt with a superhero emblem - male or female - we always flip out and point it out to each other. It stands out. You just don't get that kind of reaction from sports or beer t-shirts.
I used to get similar reactions when I'd where my Green Lantern t-shirt. "Dude, Green Lantern", "Awesome, Green Lantern shirt", or my favorite, "Yo, Hal Jordan". It was almost like it provoked a spontanous geeky alergic reaction and people had to comment on it. Sadly, no such reactions for my Reverse Flash shirt.
ReplyDeletei have a flash and green lantern tshirt and people generally acknowledge GL, Flash is hit or miss.
ReplyDeletei also love my superboy tshirt (black t with red logo) cause when people actually say "superboy" or "connor" instead of superman, i know they are "REAL" fans.
as for the Tigra quote by Bendis, I feel ashamed, but I do agree with him. I'm a dog person.
I also LOVED Identity Crisis, and preferred early Jeph Loeb/Michael Turner Supergirl to whatever the fuck they are doing with her right now (McKeever does an ok Kara in Teen Titans though) so I guess I am in the minority on this blog. I am also a gay male, not some straight misogynistic asshole, either.
This image is the funniest shit ever
ReplyDeleteI kind of imagined Barda shopping something like the Metalocalypse episode where they all go grocery shopping but have no idea how to do anything.
ReplyDeleteMaybe we can get Jamal to draw us a Big Barda shopping sketch?
The thing about that Batman image is, even if you see it in full context and even if the ice cream is poisoned, it's still a pretty crazy thing to do. Shout "Don't eat that, it's poisoned?" Knock the ice cream cone out of the man's hand? No, clearly the best way to save that man's life is to kick him in the head so hard teeth go flying.
ReplyDeleteAnd I think a big part of the reason that there's less "outrage" is because people are just giving up on comics. I know I have--I no longer buy any current comics (except Hitman/JLA, because it's AWESOME), and if it wasn't for a friend's copy of 'New Avengers' I found lying around the house, I would never have read that issue. When I did read it, I thought it was cheap, tacky, mean-spirited, misogynist, unbelievable bulls***...
...but I think that's pretty much par for the course for any Big Two comic nowadays.
whatever john, how about you get off your pompous high horse.
ReplyDeleteif people are "giving up" then how come sales aren't hurting?
i would much rather read something by the big two then some boring ass self indulgent trite boring ass indie comic (not all are that way but A LOT).
sure there is bullplop in the mainstream just as much as in the indie world, but if you have given up on comics so much, what compelled you to even comment on a comics themed blog? if you "didn't care" so much, then you wouldn't have taken the time to express your opinions as if they were fact (which they are not).
I think the Wonder Woman top carries a little more resonance than something like the Superman or Batman symbols at this point. There are numerous variations of the symbols out on the market as well as various bootlegs. I have even seen some people react with derision to the Superman and Batman symbols.
ReplyDeleteThere are some Wonder Woman tees but the ones I see getting the best reaction are the red ones where the symbol is more clearly the Double 'W'. The black tee with the WW symbol is apparently NOT Wonder woman ENOUGH. It also seems like if you are wearing the red shirt with the symbol and you have longer dark hair, people (mostly guys) just light up. I think though that the cami has all the right elements and the design should be much more heavily marketed.
The other Uncommon super hero symbol that seems to get guys' attention seems to be the red Shazam shirt with symbol. They just smile like little kids.
"Sadly, no such reactions for my Reverse Flash shirt."
ReplyDeleteI'd totally flip out if I saw someone wearing one of those and so would my kids.
You'd be our hero.
My daughter is a huge Wonder Woman fan, and has been stopped and complimented many times for her t-shirts. I hope the kind of idiocy that exists at WB now is analagous to the developmental hell that Spider-Man and X-Men went through to get made. Maybe in ten years fans can look back and say, "That was an awesome movie. Why didn't they make it sooner?"
ReplyDeleteAnd thanks for the link to that terrific Rucka interview.
My comment seems to have irritated someone, so I should clarify. I have no actual proof that Batman did not have a good reason for breaking that man's jaw. Perhaps that is the cure for ice cream headache. :)
ReplyDeleteIn all seriousness, and in order:
Yes, sales are dropping. DC's top sellers do about 100,000 copies a month, Marvel's somewhat better but still rarely breaking 200,000. Fifteen years ago, Marvel's best comics sold sometimes as much as ten times that. Sales have been dropping for many years now, and Marvel and DC have compensated by exploring other revenue streams.
I'm always glad to hear that someone likes the current output of Marvel and DC, because it certainly isn't doing anything for me, but the idea that mainstream comics are only competing with "indie comics" is a big part of the problem at the Big Two. They're losing ground to lots of things, including manga, at a scary rate.
Why do I read this blog? Because I find it entertaining, and think it has good writing. Even though I no longer buy comics, it still offers a lot of smiles. Why do I leave a comment about why I stopped buying comics? Because I think a lot of people are in the same place I was a few months ago; fed-up and irritated with spending money on comics they weren't enjoying, and maybe hearing, "Hey, you don't have to read it if you don't like it" will be what helps someone else wake up to the fact that they won't die if they have holes in their 'Amazing Spider-Man' collection and that money stays in their wallets. (Or gets spent on 'Robot Chicken' DVDs.)
As for "pompous" and "high horse"...meh. It's probably a fair cop. I certainly think that being a comics fan nowadays involves wading through a fairly deep river of crap, and I'm glad I'm not down in it anymore. That could probably be construed as "high horse" material. :)
John Seavey speaks the truth . . . thanks John.
ReplyDeleteBendis is awesome! That comment totally makes up for that rather boring comic!
ReplyDeleteYes, sales are dropping. DC's top sellers do about 100,000 copies a month, Marvel's somewhat better but still rarely breaking 200,000. Fifteen years ago, Marvel's best comics sold sometimes as much as ten times that. Sales have been dropping for many years now, and Marvel and DC have compensated by exploring other revenue streams.
ReplyDeleteA popular but incorrect assumption. After the speculator boom of the early 1990s, sales slid to an all-time low in the mid-1990s, and stayed there until 2003. Today total revenue from comics is much higher than what it was 5-10 years ago:
2000: ~$275 M
2006: ~$550 M
2007 through August: ~$286 M
As seen here - http://www.cbgxtra.com/Default.aspx?tabid=695
Now, that doesn't make bad books good or vice versa. But sales are very good these days.
I agree with Sammy and the love for Identity Crisis also brought up. Not all of us grow out of what we loved in comics to begin with.
ReplyDeleteTotal revenue may be higher, but isn't that a function of increasing prices as well as sales? I mean, that's pretty much exactly what you'd expect as comics turn into a niche market; sales decline, so the price per unit goes up to compensate, because they've realized that their remaining market has a high tolerance to being exploited. :)
ReplyDeleteWhich isn't to say I'm unaware that the boom/bust cycle in comics is a bit more complex than "90s good, today bad". But every boom cycle is a smaller boom, and every bust cycle is a larger bust. I don't know if the industry can take another downturn.