Read in Heidi's "Beat" column about how Seth Rogen is working out for his new "Green Hornet" movie. This quote in particular:
"I have a personal trainer now… it’s really hard. I exercised to the point where he made me throw up."
This happened to Chris Reeve too when he was being trained for "Superman." His first workouts ended in vomiting.

But he turned out pretty buff for the movie, though. If you look at the old screen tests, he was pretty skinny, almost unrecognizable.
What I like<----no rubber or foam muscles on a superhero costume. Except for Ben Affleck in "Hollywoodland" -- I'm letting that one slide. Best role of his career, in my opinion:

I love this guy but he's a bizarre choice. But doesn't the Green Hornet just wear a suit and a snappy fedora? He doesn't have to work out all that hard!
ReplyDeleteAffleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo.
ReplyDeleteNot to mention Good Will Hunting... or even Daredevil IMHO.
ReplyDeleteI watched Rogen's Daily Show appearance yesterday and honestly didn't know what to think. He sounded like ... well, like a stoner putting on his 'adult voice' for a job interview.
ReplyDeleteThe Green Hornet character wears a fedora and overcoat (Movie serial version wore a trenchcoat, tv version wore a Chesterfield overcoat).
ReplyDeleteUnless he can drop 30-40 pounds in the next couple of months, Rogan's gonna look (ironically) more like Kevin Smith's Silent Bob in a fedora than Van Williams' slim Green Hornet!
But if they're doing it as a comedy, maybe that's the look they're going for... ;-(
"Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo."
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean Billy Zane of Zoolander fame?
"It's a walk off!!"