The whole clusterf**k, paraphrased (read the entire version here. you apparently won't find it on the site because it's been edited out, but a screen-capture is available at the link.):
Writer: The character is a normal, everyday person who just happens to be of the Muslim faith. Her religion is not a big issue for her, and she is not completely defined by it.
Newsarama Reporter: So what's her jihad holy-war in this book?

Now the question is, should Newsarama or the reporter officially apologize to Muslims for this? Or just let it blow over and figure people will forget?
Whatever the case, considering that Newsarama is transferring over to a more mainstream and credible group of news and information sites, maybe they should vet their articles and interviews a bit more closely in the future.
I have been taking a "Living under Islamic Law" class at college and the teacher, who is Muslim, said Jihad means first and foremost, struggle. Basically, everyone goes through a jihad in their everyday life. Dealing with a sick parent is a personal jihad. Trying to get a raise from your boss could also be a jihad.
ReplyDeleteIt is the Islamic fundamentalists who took the work and applied it to their holy war. That was not necessarily the original meaning.
So, if the writer didn't use "holy war", no, Newsarama should not apologize. Because the use of the word would be correct.
But since the writer did use holy war, the writer should apologize. If not for being offensive then for being overly "cute". That question could have been phrased differently and still made the same point. The writer included "jihad holy war" to try to seem witty or controversial or some other crap like that, and that was uncalled for.
And it appears that they already apologized for it on blog@newsarama.
ReplyDeleteNewsarama starts eating its own tail when its content is as ridiculous as its user comments.
ReplyDeleteWell, sometimes it takes moments like these for people to learn from their mistakes, be a little more sensitive towards issues and learn a bit about Islam.
ReplyDeleteSmall matter.
Yes. Apologize. The comment was offensive on it's face.
ReplyDeleteI actually work on the floor above Newsarama. I should go ask them.
ReplyDeleteIts very simple, Newsarama should apologize the it ever made it to "air". Second, the writer should be fired. He is clearly incompetent; all you have to do is read the previous statements from the writer and you can see what he is going for with that character.
ReplyDeleteThe comment was offensive, and the guy can think whatever he wants I guess. But he should be fired if he is that dumb.
Oh, and btw, Captain Britain is one of the best books on shelves this week; seriously, grab it.
ReplyDeleteActually the softer symbolic meaning of Jihad came later. That's why the jihadists consider themselves morally superior. Their interpretation of Jihad, while archaic, is the original one.
ReplyDeleteSo by their logic they're not twisting Islam at all but UNtwisting it. That's their sales pitch--"We're the REAL Muslims. Screw those symbolic Jihad pansies." Sounds nutty to us, but it has a definite appeal to some people. Sort of on the same level the KKK's sales pitch of "reclaiming America" appeals to some people here.
But as for the question, it comes off as downright odd. It doesn't sound like a serious question, yet it doesn't really work as a funny comment either. If it was meant as a joke, then yeah it's kind of insensitive. But I'm not even sure if it was supposed to be funny. It's an odd, baffling comment.
Everyone needs to take a big breath and relax. Christianity (anyone know any Catholic priest jokes?) and Judaism (Jon Stewart, a Jew himself, makes light of Jewish stereotypes) are openly mocked in our society, and you don't hear anything comparable to this overwhelmingly extreme, and ridiculous response. I'm frankly more afraid of the politically correct "mindset" that has infected society than any other threat this nation faces, jihad included.
ReplyDelete'So, if the writer didn't use "holy war", no, Newsarama should not apologize. Because the use of the word would be correct.
ReplyDeleteBut since the writer did use holy war, the writer should apologize. If not for being offensive then for being overly "cute". That question could have been phrased differently and still made the same point. The writer included "jihad holy war" to try to seem witty or controversial or some other crap like that, and that was uncalled for.'
I entirely agree.
Whatever the meaning of "jihad," and I believe everyone above with their multiple meanings... the thing is, the guy was making a very insensitive and glib remark. Thought he was being funny and all that, because of course every Islamic character must be fighting a holy war or waging some form of jihad, right? Well, many people each day say things that are equally foolish but they- fortunately- don't do so in an interview that's published online. That's no excuse.
ReplyDeleteBarely a day goes by when someone doesn't post one of those "wacky perv" things about Japan and someone in the comments posts, "Yeah, those Japanese are all crazy!" or something similar. There may or may not be a direct moral equivalence, but it's the same lazy, tossed-off generalization and simplification of a culture that pisses me off. So when people got pissed about this, I was more than willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Is it a good idea for a news source (for "news source" read, fluffy, softball-question interview and naked press release and all purpose major company bum kissing outlet) to become the news story themselves? Probably not.
Have they apologized? I think an apology is warranted, and if they've done so, good for them.
"Its very simple, Newsarama should apologize the it ever made it to "air". Second, the writer should be fired. He is clearly incompetent; all you have to do is read the previous statements from the writer and you can see what he is going for with that character."
ReplyDeleteI didn't know Al Sharpton posted to comics blogs. :-)
"Everyone needs to take a big breath and relax. Christianity (anyone know any Catholic priest jokes?) and Judaism (Jon Stewart, a Jew himself, makes light of Jewish stereotypes) are openly mocked in our society, and you don't hear anything comparable to this overwhelmingly extreme, and ridiculous response."
ReplyDeleteGood Lord. Thank you, a voice of reason. Rows like this just highlight that there's always someone out there just waiting for something to jump on.
Almost as bad as a while back when some radio guy, talking about Condoleezza Rice, said the word "coon" in a slip of the tongue and was vilified from coast to coast. An innocent slip of the tongue, just happened to be while he was talking about a black woman. And people were calling for his job and demanding he apologize to the Black Community.