Um, Exactly How Old Is Tim These Days?

I'm just asking because...
because I'm trying to figure out how to relate to this art from Robin #162
He's almost 18, right? I remember when he was just this little overly-burdened Gen Y scrawny thing...
Now, is it ok to show Tim in his underwear (and there are more shots in the link) but not Supergirl if they are around the same age? Or is it only exploitation when it involves a female? Or are all the Tim underwear pics rendered in a non-exploitative way? All I know is, the Scans Daily crew was a-droolin'.

ummm methinks this is just as tasteful as the current supergirl
ReplyDeleteI feel this falls into the category of 'acceptable cheesecake'.
ReplyDeleteokay, Tim's a not much more than a boy, but he's being shown merely as a healthy (if slightly wounded) guy in very good shape in his boxers.
In my opinion, the worst accusation that could be hurled at this depiction of Tim is that is smacks of 'OC syndrome', where you have a buff twenty-something actor supposedly playing a sixteen year old.
I don't think Ryan spend every night leaping across rooftops (though if the show had continued i'm sure that plot would have eventually surfaced) so maybe Tims build is justified.
Besides, its not like those Calvins are what he wears to fight crime!
I would be EXTREMELY interested in other peoples examples of FEMALE acceptable cheescake in comics. I am completely confident it exists, but cannot draw on a particular example right now.
I agree with the previous poster -
ReplyDeleteit's pretty acceptable for young men to appear shirtless - especially during the summertime - it's not like these are briefs or a g-string. It's a teenage boy in shorts.
He's not overly sexualized. He's not lying on his bed half-naked.
"In my opinion, the worst accusation that could be hurled at this depiction of Tim is that is smacks of 'OC syndrome', where you have a buff twenty-something actor supposedly playing a sixteen year old. "
ReplyDeletethis is a good point, I agree
"I would be EXTREMELY interested in other peoples examples of FEMALE acceptable cheescake in comics."
I think this would be an interesting post to make
I still think to a certain degree I'm letting the Robin in his skivvies thing slide in part because he's male.
And to a large extent he was being objectified in the Scans Daily comment section on these pics
some Scans Daily comments:
ReplyDelete"this is so *drools*"
"With the prettypretty looooong lashes, and the hint o' emo, and ... he's damaged and bandaged and wow, these scans have brightened up my sucky day."
"This brings back the memory of that one dream I had where Tim and I were boyfriends."
"Now this is the real reason so many people have tried to get into Tim's pants over the years. Ariana, Steph, Lady Shiva, Jubilee, Darla, Secret, Cissie (Arrowette), Cass (Batgirl), Cassie (Wonder Girl), Rose, Zoanne..."
"Tim is sososooo nice to look at. he's becoming hella built, isn't he? wow... I want to lick his lats."
mind you, I have no quarrel with these commentors.
I just think an example of the objectification (or droolinng over, or what you will) of a male character is kind of an interesting counterpoint
While certainly interesting "lick his lats" is something that's gonna stick in my head for a while.
ReplyDeleteHe was almost 16 after Zero Hour (When he got that stupid Robinmobile, he had to get a special, pre-16 driver's licenses because his dad was in a wheelchair), and wasn't the company line that Zero Hour pretty much always just happened?
ReplyDeleteAnd then the whole universe jumped ahead one whole year.
Soooo, I say he's almost more than almost 18.
Either way, he's the age of consent in Ohio. And he is wearing boxers. Breifs might be a little too smexy.
i mean, its not like tim is in sexual poses, and its like he wears his undies to fight crime like david said.
ReplyDeleteplus, hes not designed for my pleasure because then he would have a huge package and would be doing my laundry.
Yeah I'd put this in the cheesecake category, too. Lump it in with all the scenes of Angel with his shirt off for no real good reason.
ReplyDeleteIf you want acceptable female cheesecake, there are countless scenes of Starfire doing something completely innocuous that would still make Changeling drool.
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ReplyDeleteIf there were more Tims than Supergirls, it'd be scary. There aren't, though, are there? It's not a matter of "either/or", it's a matter of balance. As far as I'm concerned. Even ignoring that, I don't see how the comparison between a muscleless girl in a girly costume that exposes flesh and a boy exposing flesh in an informal environment holds up. Nothing I can say agewise, though, seeing as, well, I'm 18 me-self.