
Monday, December 01, 2008

Was Emily The Strange Ripped Off???

I was pretty shocked to read about a 1978 children's book that features a character very similar in design and attitude to the highly popular "Goth" character Emily The Strange...

Look at the images above and then read this from the You Thought We Wouldn't Notice website, who spotted the uncanny resemblance:

"The top image is a page from Nate the Great Goes Undercover, complete with text. This book was published in 1978. The bottom image is one of the first images of Emily the Strange ever made publicly available–it was sold, WITH THAT TEXT INCLUDED, as a bumper sticker."

What do you think? Unconscious influence? An homage? Total rip-off?

Glad that bitch Emily is getting what's coming to her:


  1. total ripoff; did anyone think that Emily Strange wasn't super derivative and stolen anyway?

    Now we just know from where it was stolen.

  2. Maybe an unconscious influence, but even if so there's some 'splaining to do with that kind of exact match between works. It would still fall in the category of a rip-off. I highly doubt it's merely a cosmic coincidence.

  3. Wow, massive rip-off. Maybe this will banish E.T.S. imagery from the world forever!

  4. I agree with Mike, it looks, if anything, an unconscious influence. I mean, how many people's gothy guy/girl characters kinda look like each other?

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    If it were merely unconscious influence it wouldn't hew so closely to the original composition. Examine the posture of the cats & contrast them with the original-- all the artist did was flip the pic in the hopes that it'd be a little less obvious.

    This is Todd Goldman all over again.

  6. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Artwork aside, the second half of the text is identical in those two examples.
