
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

My Conflict-Of-Interest Best Of 2008

Why settle for regular "Best Ofs" when you can have my refreshingly honest "Conflict-Of-Interest Best Of 2008?"

Best Webcomic: Anything with High Moon in it.

Second-Favorite Webcomic:
Night Owls

Best DC Imprint:

Favorite Comics Non-Profit: Friends of Lulu

Favorite Characters: Cloak & Dagger

Favorite Comic Book Company:
The one without Dan DiDio running it.

Favorite Comics Blog: Occasional Superheroine

Favorite Female Character: Occasional Superheroine

Best Comics-Related Journalism: Occasional Superheroine

Best Comics-Related Interview:
Tom Spurgeon interviews Valerie D'Orazio

Favorite Writer: Valerie D'Orazio & David Gallaher (tie, in alphabetical order of last names)

Favorite Artist: Steve Ellis

Favorite Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Favorite Cat: Thomas

Funniest People:
Curmudgeons who have slammed me several times for supporting the work of my own friends on my own damn blog. Honestly, I've promoted my own comic and the comics of those closest to me a *fraction* of the amount another person would have. I've actually held back. Well, my new motto for 2009 is "fuck that modesty shit, I'm doing what I want."

On the list:
* Well, I WAS going to put that Zuda box on my sidebar, but somebody's gotta give me code, because I'm not creating some cheap-ass one myself.

* Wrapping my blog in like a Cloak and Dagger wallpaper. Yeah, that won't be obnoxious.

* Changing my name to "Tandy Bowen."

* Having baby and giving it "Marvel" as his or her middle name. Might run into possible copyright issues and will have to rename it "Shazam!"


  1. Hey... just give full disclosure when you post something you're connected with. One, it maintains journalistic integrity (yeah, I know, it's a blog), and Two, it helps us filter stuff, giving us one more reason to buy something. ("Cloak & Dagger, manga influence, AND I know the writer? Cool.")

    And before I get sucked into airplane reservations, helping Mom clean out the freezer (*burp*), and Nebraska football, I just want to thank you for making 2008 more interesting than it should have been.

  2. You know (and I know you know), there is more than one other comic book company without Didio. I assume you are referring to the one currently paying you for work, but there are a lot of companies out there and I would be interested in which you thought was best.

  3. Really Pieces?

    What day? (Assuming you are one)

    Sorry...nosy I be.

  4. What if it's a boy? Icon...or MAX? Heh! ;)

    High-five on Zuda! It seems more and more are getting into that site. Took me 4 or 5 months of ads to finally look at one of my open comics and go, "Fine...after I finish reading you." High Moon rocks! I'm gonna have to go with Night Owls as my numero uno! Then Bayou, then High Moon, which has gotten somehow much better than it was. Bravo to them for pulling of making something awesomer than 'great.'

  5. Thanks Valerie :)

    I'm a pisces too....damn inconsistency!

    Oh, and YES! Forget about modesty. it seems not to get you anywhere in this modern age.
