You know, I have no idea who this new Savage She-Hulk is, or why she looks like that -- but it *is* interesting. It's like she got a dye job, or something. Or is it one of those Planet Hulk chicks?
The regular series is canceled, so I assume this is something completely new?
I liked the "modern" She-Hulk, but there was something about the original "savage" one that had more of an edge for me.
Edit: I have been informed by several readers as well as my BF that this new She-Hulk is apparently Thundra. Then the BF told me to go and read through all the Marvel Handbooks.
what in the world is up with those boots ?
ReplyDeleteYou've probably gotten a hundred comments of this nature already, so don't feel compelled to add mine to a stream of redundancy, but isn't that Thundra?
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
That's Thundra, or at least someone wearing Thundra's costume.
ReplyDeleteLooks like Thundra, an '70s arch-feminist FF villain/hero who recently joined Jeph Loeb's Lady Liberators:
Nope, it's the daughter of Hulk and Thundra. She stole some of his sperm, and....
ReplyDeleteYou know, I hate when I end up typing something that ridiculous. But it's true.
Looks like it's Hulk's daughter, who showed up in an annual or something for the first time this year. She's also Thundra's daughter, albeit from an alternate future. I have no idea why they decided to give her a series to headline, but hey, Banner's got three kids now!
ReplyDeleteI so want to drink all my New Year's Toasts out of that Thundra Slurpee cup!
ReplyDeleteActually, that looks like the daughter of the Hulk and Thundra, conceived in the recent Hulk: Raging Thunder one shot and who showed up in the recent Hulk Family one shot.
ReplyDeleteNeither of which I read, I just have an unhealthy knowledge of crap.
Hm. This might answer the question as to why she lied on behalf of Red Hulk a short while back.
ReplyDeleteHm, there were some recent developments between Thundra and the Red Hulk over in Loeb's Hulk title. Thinking this might be connected.
ReplyDeleteThundra's costume, and green skin? I'm guessing that would be the (test-tube) daughter of Thundra and Hulk, known as Daughter of Hulk.
ReplyDeleteShe's shown up in two recent, very unimportant one-shots. I really can't believe I know this.
Maybe it is the daughter of Hulk and Thundra:
I think it might be Thundra's and Hulk's daughter, from a recent special but I could be wrong. Update: I read far too many comics.
ReplyDeleteIn the Giant-Size Hulk special earlier this year, Jeff Parker wrote a story where Thundra got some of the Hulk's DNA so that Thundra could have a child. Perhaps the "new Savage She-Hulk" is Thundra's gamma-induced offspring?
ReplyDeleteIf it is, suddenly the Hulk's kids are everywhere!
In the Red Hulk book She-Hulk assembled a bunch of female super-types. Rulk grabbed Thundra and apparently turned her, literally it would seem from that cover. From Scans Daily:
All right, I don't get this.
ReplyDeleteI liked Peter David's run on She-Hulk. Then the book got canceled, and while it sucked, I understood. Tough times, books are getting cut, etc.
But why then are they doing another She-Hulk book? Especially when David's was pretty good? It wasn't Secret Six or anything, but it was pretty good.
Don't get it.
Ah well. Happy new year and such.
nah i think its thundra's and hulks kid, she came back in time and got knocked up by banner and now her kid wears her hand-me-downs
ReplyDeleteSomeone's probably already said this and the comment just hasn't been posted yet but I'm pretty sure it's not Thundra. Based on her her slightly different outfit and green tint (and the She-Hulk title) I'd say it's the daughter of Thundra, created when she stole the Hulk's DNA. I don't think they've said what her name is.
ReplyDeleteHrm. . .I haven't read the actual issues in question, but I'm reasonably sure in the Hulk Family book that there's a daughter of the Hulk by Thundra in an alternate timeline. I believe Jeff Parker wrote it but don't quote me.
ReplyDeleteSo I assume Loeb's turning Thundra into the Red She-Hulk?
ReplyDeleteOh lord. I mean she was actually a pretty good character for that bit where she was in She-Hulk and the two pages where she turned up in SI: Inhumans. At least with the red He-Hulk Marvel didn't go out of its way to pique my interest in the character right before letting Loeb loose with him.
Ah NO. This is NOT Thundra… This is Thundra and the Hulk’s daughter.
ReplyDeleteThat would make She-Hulk her 2nd Cousin….
For the whole story See
Hulk: Raging Thunder #1 (which came out in June 2008)
Hulk Family #1 (which came out December 2008)
To be honest I’m surprised no one knows this… Not reading the Hulk comics are we…?
It's actually the daughter of Thundra and the Hulk (or I would assume so), according to her wikipedia thing.
ReplyDeleteI seem to remember some kind of 'what if' story where this new Savage She Hulk was the daughter of Hulk and Thundra...or was I living inside my happy place and got the real and the imagined mixed up again? Happens when I go easy on the meds.
ReplyDeleteIt's actually the daughter of Thundra and the Hulk. She was introduced a few months ago in some Hulk special
ReplyDeleteNow the only question is how the heck she becomes a Hulk...
ReplyDeleteActually, it's Thundra and Hulk's daughter. She showed up in one of the Hulk Family one shots; though I don't remember her name (or if she was actually given one).
ReplyDeleteHAHAHA I just love all the responses to this. I find the sheer volume humorous for some-odd reason (probably lack of sleep from watching Honeymooners all night).
ReplyDeleteWhat I'll add is what in the hell are they thinking if this is turning out to be a new series? The character as a CONCEPT was pretty damn lame. And she IS basically Thundra with a dye job, hell they even used the SAME outfit and she's supposed to be in some future or some such!
Bottom line is I think the copyright on the Savage title is about due so they're churning out another book to keep it in house. While I didn't care for David's run after the goodness of Slott, I'm pretty sure compared to this it'll seem like solid gold.
Also, I just wanna say that the Hulk spin-off books have been crap. Hulk has Loeb's nonsensical storytelling prowess and Skaar is just boring as all get-out. This one, unless helmed by someone REALLY good, will most likely fall the same way.
Is it me, or has the Hulk franchise gone off the rails lately?
ReplyDeleteSo how soon before we see Jessie Wingfoot, the daughter of Wyatt and Jenn?
ReplyDeleteFor those who are too young to remember, Jessie appeared in "The Last Avenger Story", which first appeared in Peter David's "But I Digress" column in the Comics Buyer's Guide after Marvel declined to print the comic. Fan reaction subsequently convinced Marvel to publish it as two prestige issues (clear plastic covers like Marvels). It was recently published in hardcover as "AVENGERS: FIRST TO LAST".
Yeah, haven't read Marvel regularly in years, but there's some cool stuff out there.
If you have too much free time (and lots of processing power), try:
I call it "Marvel Crack".
OK this is why I don't readf Hulk these days. Keeping track of who's who is like following the X-Men...
ReplyDeleteI believe, although I could be mistaken, that she's the laboratory-created daughter of Thundra and the Impossible Man. Thundra wanted to have a child very badly, but for obvious reasons it was impossible (the way she dresses? Girl, please. Plus, she's a feminist, and we knows them womens doesn't like the mens). So she got some help from the Impossible Man, whom everybody knows is a diligent sperm donor. And the rest, true believers, is history.
ReplyDeleteYou know, nothing's less appealing than a geek correction pile-on.
ReplyDeleteHey, I at least knew it was ridiculous when I posted it. :D
ReplyDeleteThe Hulk franchise needs the actual Hulk back. I'm really not interested in the Hulk unless he's Bruce Banner, or She-Hulk unless Dan Slott is writing her.
@Laid Off Ohh, I can think of a few things. (In the interests of common decency, I won't list them.)
ReplyDeleteAnd to make things even more bizarre and interesting, the Incredible Hercules (spun off from World War Hulk) was recently selected as one of the best periodical comics of 2008.
ReplyDeleteMe, I'd TOTALLY read the new She-Hulk if she was the love child of Thundra and the Impossible Man!
Hmmm...good point. Maybe if it was a naked geek correction pile-on?