
Monday, December 08, 2008

Women's Wrestling Champion Of The World

If only all Comic Book Internet Feuds™ could be this easy to resolve.

Just a couple of swells: Valerie D'Orazio and Tony Lee

Yep. Me and Tony conceived of this whole back-and-forth as a spoof on Comic Book Internet Feuds™. Additional inspiration, for me, was the Daily Show/Conan/Colbert feuds from a couple of months ago. We tried to be extremely tongue-and-cheek about it, so it would be more or less obvious. Then Mr. Lee emailed me shortly thereafter to let me know he was taking on quite a pummeling, and it was decided to make this short.

As for Moonstone Books and the much-discussed MILF Magnet -- I'm fine with erotic comics as long as it isn't marketed to kids or could be confused as kids products. If Moonstone wants to branch out and try new genres, and if the sales from those ventures helps them support their other books like the old-timey radio show adaptations, let them do it.

One last thing of note in all this:

MILF Magnet, and to an extent the excellent other series, Johnny Dollar (which we've both used as comparisons in our messages) have risen from vague obscurity to a vague notoriety from this. For example, one well known, East Coast US shop that contacts me often emailed me Saturday night to inform me that since the feud started, orders for MILF Magnet had gone up four hundred percent.

Of course, neither MILF Magnet or Johnny Dollar can hold a candle to High Moon.

In fact, to assist, I would be happy to start a feud with D...

Oh, wait.


  1. Nice one. Totally fooled here. Well done.

  2. This is all well and hilarious but I am so totally distracted by Dan Boultwood's major hotness!

  3. Well played!

    Although the Nancy Grace photo was a dead giveaway. You're not a vindictive blow hard who doesn't research her stories.

  4. head hurts...
    it seemed fake, then seemed real, then seemed really fake. then seemed augh oogh headache...
    funny as hell though bravo.
    I'm glad you don't have a hate-on for erotic comics though.
    I mean your'e aloud to, I just get sad when people imediately hate using a certain subject for their art.

    sex is cool too!

  5. I can honestly say I "read" it the right way. But it was fun to play along :)

  6. So when do you two go on Letterman, only to have you slap Tony in his broken neck, and him go on a stream of consciousness swear fest?

  7. ACK!

    I've been Valerie-rolled!

  8. People were really fooled? Really??

    I'm really surprised. I mean, I'm no genius or anything, but by now I can *sorta* tell when Valerie is joking and when she's truly on a rant.

    I think.


  9. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Totally fell for it. I guess it was because he played it so insanely glib for a guy writing MILF Magnet, and you played it so half-and-half.

  10. Yeah, I feel like it was such a departure from your usual writing "voice" that I knew it was a joke. But a well executed one for sure!

  11. But will you check Dylan Dog as I suggested anyway?

    Hunter (Pedro Bouça)

  12. I thought it was hilarious from the get-go but now looking back, I feel bad about Tony Lee getting slammed for it. I read some of the comments on his blog and... YIKES!

    Actually, I wasn't sure you were both actually co-conspirators on this, but I was certain you'd reviewed his book tongue-in-cheek and he was responding in the same manner.

    People are such literalists sometimes.

    But you know... Kaufman would've completely taken the bad publicity and kept it going regardless!

  13. So, all that said... is the comic any good?

  14. guess i shouldn't be surprised, though this seemed more legitimate than the DC-bashing that usual passes for journalism around here.

  15. D'OH!

    To quote Ms. Radner, "Never mind...."

  16. Well played.

    And it seems that creator feuds are an excellent tactic. Do you take requests? I know a few books at IDW and Boom that could benefit from some feuding.

  17. Anonymous10:55 AM


  18. Anonymous12:44 PM

    uh... no offense to ANYONE, but I thought it was readily apparent that the "feud" was bogus.

  19. I think it's an SFX thing and you two are really the same person.

    Or maybe twins.

    Clones, that's it.


    Damn. Someone tell Rich Johnston. Or not.

  20. I was fooled. I'm still a noob to the blog. Even though I will say that it didn't seem like you. As in, I figured you'd heard about porn comics, tijuana bibles and hentai and junk. I didn't even know much about the comic until reading about it on a message board. I thought it was just a porn comic, and apparently it's tongue-cheek humor. So..."Whoops" on my part. :)
