Fangirl Fridays
Good morning!
Formerly known as "A Cup of Me," "Fangirl Fridays"
is where I post my thoughts on this week in comics:

Formerly known as "A Cup of Me," "Fangirl Fridays"
is where I post my thoughts on this week in comics:
What I bought:
Marvel Two-in-One #1
Thor #1
Fallen Son The Death of Captain America: Iron Man
Detective Comics #834
All-Star Superman #8
Will You Still Love Me If I Wet The Bed?

I think I have officially decided not to buy the "World War Hulk" tie-ins. Thumbed through the crossover w/"Ghost Rider," Hulk is basically only on last page. And I'm not buying "Heroes for Hire."
Scanned "Countdown" as I usually do, looking for new outrages. The funeral of Bart Allen -- not quite the match to this week's Cap mourner, is it? Holly Robinson spends her time bathing with Amazons & runs into a familiar face -- neither characters relevant to the Wonder Woman universe. And Jimmy still looks like he's around 40.
New Collected Editions
The Jimmy Olsen and Invaders TPBs looked enticing, but didn't want to make a commitment quite yet; still smarting from earlier expenditures at MoCCA.

She-Hulk & Sex
Apparently, She-Hulk has had sex with a lot of men.
Goodbye Jailbait Supergirl (with apologies to Sammy)
Last issue of Joe Kelly "Supergirl" -- I'll spoil it for ya, Supergirl hugs Superman and basically says "I'm sorry for being such a bad girl." Fitting way to end this run.
"Thor" #1 looks beautiful, wanted more substance. Olivier Coipel has really matured as an artist.

Sinestro Sold Out
"Sinestro Corps" #1 gone.
Me Am Like You
I think that the Bizzaro storyline in "All Star Superman" is Morrison's way of criticizing fanboys & "Red State" Americans. Sounds crazy, but I've said it.
"Ms. Marvel" #17 features the son of M.O.D.O.K., who turns his father into a living bomb and drops him in Times Square. Apparently in this issue he doesn't romantically manipulate Carol Danvers and make her give birth to himself -- but it still looks good.
Iron Man, You Suck
"Fallen Son: Iron Man" showcases some of the best work of Cassaday's career. The writing wasn't bad, either. Worth the hype.
Losing Your Powers Make Your Boobs Get Bigger
New Warriors #2, last page, Jubilee.

Of Camel Toe And Gods
Comics Fairplay wants to know if the cover to "The Ride: Die Valkyrie" was gratuitous. Camel toe and white panty crotch shots are always gratuitous. "What if Alex Ross painted camel toe," a friend asks me. It's still gratuitous.
"It's Not A Weave"
A new Manstream post, about how Storm is too noble to care about what people say regarding her hair, sparked a commenting frenzy that culminated with Digital Femme sort of removing herself from the "comics feminism movement" --
" I can't roll with the feminist fan movement (or the feminist movement in general). Because when issues pop up pertaining to black women specifically, the response is to either ignore it completely or dismiss it as a superficial non-issue. So there's no point in even opening up a dialogue in the first place. Why bother if the response is going to be indifference or derision?"

"The Best Comic Book Of Geoff Johns's Career! Or Ever Made!"
The mass woody for "Sinestro Corps," as evidenced by passionate posters on my and many other blogs, brings up several issues for me:
* For all of DC's attempts to be like Marvel, they really in the end stuck to what they do best -- obsessively continuity-driven stories that trade on their loyal fans. It doesn't exactly bring in new readers, but it maximizes your sales and keeps your base happy. And there's nothing wrong with that.
* Green Lantern fans are the most intense comic fans I have ever seen. When I was at DC they showed me the letters from "H.E.A.T." I know of which I speak.
* At least one of these Lanterns has to die. I predict Guy going down in a sacrificial blaze of glory for his pals, redeeming himself -- it would be a good way to round out the killing off of the Giffen JLA.
* Probably doesn't suck, not unless you hate fun.
* Shia LaBeouf IS the new John Cusack. Just thought I'd say it.
* "Avengers/Transformers?" Almost as good as "Witchblade/JLA." Which. Means. Kinda suck.

On My "To Buy" List
* M.O.D.O.K.'s Eleven
* "Action Comics" - Escape From Bizarro World 3-parter w/Eric Powell art
* "Star Lord"
Question of the Week:
Why don't I buy any of the female solo books from either DC or Marvel -- other than "Spider-Girl" -- on a regular basis?
Enjoy your weekend!
"I think that the Bizzaro storyline in "All Star Superman" is Morrison's way of criticizing fanboys & "Red State" Americans. Sounds crazy, but I've said it."
ReplyDeleteOkay, I'll bite: How was the Bizarro story a criticism of fanboys and "Red State" Americans?
Yeah, spill!
ReplyDeleteLet me guess: The stupid, backward Bizarros are Red State Americans! Ha ha!
ReplyDelete"Shia LaBeouf IS the new John Cusack. Just thought I'd say it."
ReplyDeleteOh, no. Please no.
I had a blast at the movie, but man-o-man, there's only so much I can take of of LaBeouf. Is playing a hyperactive nebbishy kid in everything really enough to build a career on?
ReplyDeleteOh, no. Please no.
Dude, I 100% agree with you.
I got tired just watching him. I don't think he had a relaxed moment in the entire movie.
ReplyDeleteTo steer this somewhat back to the post at hand, I just swung by Manstream to see what the thing about the FF bit was - Is a joke with the Thing embarassing himself in front of Storm really enough to generate a 109 comments on?
I thought everything Morrison wrote was a criticism of the people who read his work.
ReplyDeleteI just swung by Manstream to see what the thing about the FF bit was - Is a joke with the Thing embarassing himself in front of Storm really enough to generate a 109 comments on?
ReplyDeleteConsidering the entire bit was something that McDuffie actually experienced (he played the part of 'Panther') - I think the whole FF 'outrage' is just fucking dumb.
Apparently, ManStream thinks Storm shouldn't have a sense of humor. Or that 'weaves' just aren't very common in comics. Hell, I'm surprised more superheroes don't wear wigs and rugs.
It was a funny bit.
It's utterly insane. I haven't read Manstream very much at all, except for the occasional post that gets linked to from here, but how much of what's discussed there is on that level? Stuff like this seems to be just looking for new things to be outraged over rather than talking about solutions to actual problems, or possibly even discussing comics that did something right.
ReplyDeleteQuestion of the Week:
ReplyDeleteWhy don't I buy any of the female solo books from either DC or Marvel -- other than "Spider-Girl" -- on a regular basis?
Because SPIDER-GIRL is the only one you need. :-D
Why you should buy the Invaders trade in five steps:
ReplyDelete1. The first year of INVADERS is awesome. The series really fell apart during the past ten issues or so, but this was Roy Thomas at some of his Golden Age best.
2. It has Frank Robbins art. Not always my cup of tea, but interesting nonetheless.
3. It has GIANT SIZE INVADERS in it, which is hard to find and has the origin of the team.
4. The Libery Legion.
5. It also reprints the Marvel Spotlight issues that crossed over into the INVADERS, unlike the HEROES REBORN trades.
This is sitting in my box right next to the Roger Stern/John Byrne Captain America trade. Good times ahead for me.
Answer to the question of the week: because the others aren't very good. ;)
ReplyDeleteI love that all the positive Transformers reviews at some point make the qualification about the movie being hugely dumb. As if we didn't know going in?
ReplyDeleteMy favourite moment was Jazz - voiced by an african-american - unable to restrain himself from breakdancing while having a conversation. Painful.
* Green Lantern fans are the most intense comic fans I have ever seen. When I was at DC they showed me the letters from "H.E.A.T." I know of which I speak.
ReplyDeleteYou bet your ass we are!
* At least one of these Lanterns has to die. I predict Guy going down in a sacrificial blaze of glory for his pals, redeeming himself -- it would be a good way to round out the killing off of the Giffen JLA.
ReplyDeleteThey tried that already in Our Worlds at War. :-) It didn't stick. :-)
"Okay, I'll bite: How was the Bizarro story a criticism of fanboys and "Red State" Americans?"
ReplyDeleteI'll expound on this topic in a future post, but here are two things:
Superman = Grant the artist
Zibarro (or whomever) = Grant the "corporate comics" writer who is in it for the paycheck
Bizarros = what Grant thinks of mainstream "corporate comics" in general.
In the last page, we see the doomed, stupid Bizarros, half of them "dead" or sinking in the muck. Bizarro Statue of Liberty is prominent, and I think that's a statement. On the other hand, it could be a POTA ripoff.
"My favourite moment was Jazz - voiced by an african-american - unable to restrain himself from breakdancing while having a conversation. Painful."
ReplyDeletePainful, and yet so true to the spirit of the cartoon. Sigh.
"They tried that already in Our Worlds at War. :-) It didn't stick. :-)"
ReplyDeleteI'm advocating for more stickiness in today's comic books