The Oscar nominations were just announced and Heath Ledger was nominated in the supporting actor category, though The Dark Knight was snubbed for best picture. Going up against Ledger for supporting actor is Robert Downey Jr. for Tropic Thunder.

Battling for the best animated movie are Bolt, WALL-E, and Kung-Fu Panda.

Mickey Rourke was nominated for best actor for his "comeback" film The Wrestler.
Click here for a full list of the nominees.
Your thoughts on the noms?
I didn't see many movies so I don't have many thoughts on it. I thought Wall-E was boring bur I spend a whole semester studying Chaplin so if you going the mostly silent route you really have to blow me away to get me to notice.
ReplyDeleteI will say one thing though. In any and ever year where the academy fails to nominate Cate Blanchett for everything she did, they have failed.
I'd like to see Wall.E win. Kung-Fu panda was enjoyable, but Wall.E made me love animation again.
ReplyDeleteI remember when the Oscars snubbed a lot of movies, movies like everything listed here. I like that they're open-minded and inclusive, but is Hollywood dumbing down the Oscars?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Heath Ledger's performance was Oscar-worthy... Then again, he Died Tragically, so It's The Decent Thing To Do....
ReplyDeleteRobert Downey Jr. deserves to win the Oscar. I thought his performance in Tropic Thunder was outstanding. Playing a white Australian playing an African-American had to be an extremely difficult tightrope to walk. It would have been really easy for a lesser actor to turn the part into a caricature, especially in a comedy like Tropic Thunder.
ReplyDeleteI can’t imagine anyone else playing Downey’s part.
I think it would be cool if Heath won, but he wouldn't have wanted to win. Apparently, he was relieved when he didn't win for Brokeback Mountain. Chris Nolan totally should have got a best director nomination, even if TDK didn't get a Best Pic nom.
ReplyDeleteMeh, I like watching the Oscars, but I don't get overly excited for them.
Snubbed? I'm not a die-hard fan, but looking at IMDB, DK hasn't been getting many best picture notices.
ReplyDeleteOkay... I retract that. The Producers Guild Award (a guild award, and thus a predictor of Academy Awards) does list DK. HOWEVER, unlike most other Oscars, EVERYONE in the Academy votes for Best Picture, not just the producers. "The Reader" takes the place of DK for Best Picture.
Christopher Nolan did receive a nom from the Director's Guild, but not from the Academy. That's a snub.
And NINE nominations is nothing to sneeze at... (although no nom for adapted screenplay...)
Springsteen was a bigger snub, with the Academy listing only THREE songs.
I was also heartened to see WALL-E get an original screenplay nomination, considering how much of that movie is non-verbal.
AND... in other news, an Israeli animated feature film was nominated for Foreign Film!
And Val, I know you hate Marvel so, but what about the two noms for Iron Man? Come on... show some love...
and for the other side of Hollywood...
holy crap holy crap PLEASE tell me you arent kidding about robert downey! HE WAS SO GOOD IN THAT MOVIE!!!
ReplyDeleteI think Robert Downey Jr. should have had a best actor nod for Iron Man just for being awesome.
ReplyDeleteRourke will probably win best actor, tho
If Javier Bardem can win for No Country for Old Men, Heath Ledger should be a shoe-in. No criticism of Bardem, but that role simply did not require a great amount of talent.
ReplyDeleteI wanted Wall-E for best picture. You just don't see movies like that anymore. PIXAR really knocked it out of the park this time. I think they'll win the animated category, but I really thought it was best picture worthy.
ReplyDeleteAlso, Benjamin Button gets 13 nominations? Have not seen it, but have only seen mixed to not so good reviews and so-so word of mouth.
ReplyDeleteChristopher Nolan was definitely snubbed.
ReplyDeleteRobert Downey Jr. will be robbed by a dead guy (listen to the cast commentary for Tropic Thunder, he stays in character for whole 2 hours, the man is a comedic genius. A force of nature).
ReplyDeleteWall-E will get the obvious win, and no one will be able to shut up about it, even if Pixar's vastly superior Presto wins its animated short Oscar.
I wish Presto got half the love the dull, preachy movie that followed it is getting. The short was like nothing I've seen before, felt like an achievement for 3D animation, a rebirth of Merrie Melodies.
I'm thrilled to see Melissa Leo receive an Oscar nomination more than anyone else.
ReplyDeleteBut Nolan roping a $300 million kraken of a picture and not only pulling off the three-continent, insanely multi-casted film but also creating something unique and critically regarded as one of the best films of the year did deserve a nomination.
Of course, I love David Fincher, but Benjamen Button is unfortunately the sort of middlebrow the Academy eats up.
I liked "The Wrestler" but an academy award for playing yourself ???
ReplyDeleteThe academy awards say more about the academy and what they feel is "worthy" than what the general public feel should win...
Iron Man is still my favourite movie this year...
"Presto" is the spiritual sequel to Tex Avery's "Magical Maestro"! (Now if only someone would use "Symphony in Slang" as inspiration!)
ReplyDelete"This Way Up" is also comedic genius!
Haven't seen the other three, but hope to. Someone usually runs a showing...
I loved Dark Knight but I thought it was far from a perfect movie, so I'm okay with it not earning a nomination. I'm especially happy to see that Sally Hawkins didn't get nominated for Happy-Go-Lucky, as I thought that was an obnoxious performance in a mediocre movie. Plus, I loved Anne Hathaway in Rachel Getting Married so hopefully she'll beat out Winslet for the prize.
ReplyDeleteOverall, I'm pretty happy with the results. I do think Slumdog Millionaire will probably take the top prize, with Boyle getting best director and Rourke, Hathaway, Ledger, and Winslet getting the acting prizes. I'd love for there to be a tie between Ledger and RDJ, but he'll have another shot at the prize.
In Japan, we don't often get to see these movies until the following year. The Dark Knight came out last summer and was a huge hit, and a lot of people I've spoken to want to see Benjamin Button, but the one I'm most interested in is Frost/Nixon.
ReplyDeleteI'm just endlessly fascinated by Richard M. Nixon.
When does the twelve part revocery program start for us who are suffering form the snub of DARK KNIGHT for best picture. - Any of the three villian is that movie totally kicked ass and thrilled me with told a shakespearean mythic tale of heroism in city a a city unreaded or unwhill to be savesd
ReplyDeleteF#%$&%*^& You The READER...Naxi Bitch not out there to be screw on reasd to
Frost/Nixon is going to sweep.
ReplyDeleteI don't really feel like commenting on the clusterfuck that has become The Dark Knight Oscar Saga, and sadly, that has swept Ledger up into it.
Mickey Rourke, you need to play MODOK in the next Iron Man movie. Oh yes, Mickey, you do.