
Monday, November 05, 2007

Official Statement on the Whole "LITG" Thing

This is just an official statement regarding the recent "Lying In The Gutters" column that mentions elements of my personal life.

The important thing that I like to keep in mind is that one year ago, I could never have imagined that I would be so very happy as I am now. I am with a man I love, am president of a great organization, and have met hundreds of wonderful people within this industry.

That is what I am focusing on now.



  1. Good for you, Valerie. Continued success.

  2. I'm glad things are going so well for you right now. Best wishes!

  3. Congratulations, Valerie, and good wishes for the future! :-)

  4. I'm sorry if my comments on the other thread were crass. It never occured to me you may feel compromised because you want to keep your personal life personal. Yes, that never occured to me! I'm a very extroverted person who could not care less what the world knows of me and I'm too ditzy to think others aren't that way, too! So, sorry if I was coming off crass.

  5. Long time reader, first time poster (oh, how I've always wanted to say that)

    I felt like I had to mention that it doesn't really matter to me one iota what you do in your personal life. You write an amazing blog, and THAT is what keeps bringing me back to read more. Not what you or your partner do to earn a wage, or anything of that nature; unless that is specifically mentioned as being related to what you wish to post here. If YOU wish to comment on what you ate for breakfast, then fine. I trust you, as the writer of this blog to have a reason for mentioning it. If someone else decides to mention what you ate for breakfast, then I'm less likely to take any interest in it, as it's verging on gossip ("you know what so and so had for breakfast the other day?? You'll never guess!")

    Many apologies for the extremely bad analogy, but wanted to put my unimportant two cents in. Needless to say, keep up the awesome job of what you do.

  6. Val, you're a class act. Kudos on having a good thing going.

    (for my money, I thought the sample posts were a little off-tone, though, for the over-all actual content of your blog.)

  7. As the kids would say, by succeeding in your life you have "pwned" that site and all other comers.

    Keep writing, you keep me sane.

  8. I'm sure I don't agree with everything you write, but that article read like a cheap shot. This is one of the truly significant comics blogs. Your writing is top-notch. Keep up the good work!

  9. I agree, the best revenge is a well-lived life and it sounds like you have no problem with that!

  10. so why should anyone care?

    High Moon is fucking awesome. And you rock. So it's a pretty good pairing.

    Can I get a copy of High Moon, now? Hehehe. I wants it!

  11. well, throw away, cause im tired of fat supergirl!
