Hot on the heels of the Siegel Superman ruling and many Internet discussions on copyrights and public domain, comic creator Dan Goldman ("Shooting War") is offering up his online comic "KELLY" for remixing under Creative Commons:
"Applying open-source ideas to comics has always excited me… and my freakadelic “KELLY” has served as my current laboratory for pushing boundaries in all directions, so it felt natural for me to take this step with this particular project."
Under the licensing agreement, anybody can spread or "remix" Kelly -- as long as they credit the original work and don't make money off of it.
I applaud Goldman on his decision. As an artist utilizing mixed-media and "found" art (who likes to incorporate old comics in her work), this issue of "remixing" is one of particular interest to me. I may have to produce some "Kelly" pieces. :-)
If I had any photoshop skills, I'd be on this like lens flare on rice.