If you have $25,000 to spare, you might be able to purchase from eBay this "Nintendo World Championships Gold Cartridge" from 1990 – apparently the "Holy Grail" of videogames.
According to Wikipedia, these gold cartridges were given out to winners and runner-ups in a contest held by Nintendo Power magazine, and only 26 are in existence. In the comics world, a comparable item might be "Action Comics" #1. Or one of those sets of Liefeld's "X-Force" #1 with the complete set of variant covers and the polybags intact.
Earthbound for the SNES is also a biggie...probably not quite as expensive though.
ReplyDeleteThat last bit about X-Force was sarcasm, right?
ReplyDelete"That last bit about X-Force was sarcasm, right?"
ReplyDeleteOnce I got a whole dollar for that set.
The eBay listing has been removed.
ReplyDeleteRare videogames? I prefer Space War in that sexy fiberglass cabinet. K.C. Munchkin for historical purposes (first copyright infringement case for videogames). Are there any prototypes which are sought after?
I think the best comics allegory would be the gold second printing UPC cover of McFarlane's Spider-Man. Or maybe those signed Graphitti editions of Watchmen.