From Detective Comics #848:

I can only hope the resolution to this storyline is as good as this:
And yes, I have a bunch of issues with Selina having her heart cut out, but I don't have the HEART (chortle!) to go down that road right this second.
ReplyDelete*shakes head*
Not about your joke, about this storyline.
Is that for real? That's prety goofy - I didn't think DC did goofy stories anymore, just grim stuff with boobs and gore.
ReplyDeleteThis sounds kind of like the stuff kids would go for.
Also: Worst. Trek. Ever.
Had to be said.
So, nothing bad or non-empowering could ever happen to a woman in a story anymore?
ReplyDeleteNo mexican will ever be depicted as being shifless or lazy?
No black men will ever enjoy battered and oil-cooked poultry?
I thought the fight was about not having ONLY those stories, not just excising them from comics. It seems like such a kneejerk thing in this blog, something bad happens to a female character in comics, post a pic and then something that alludes to some vague genre-wide offense.
Maybe I'm misreading you, but what I read from it is just intellectually lazy.
Remember when they used to write stories in comic books, instead of bizarre, non-sensical shock gimmicks?
ReplyDeleteOh wait, right, that was never. I was thinking 18th century novels.
I've got some faith that the story is going to play out alright. I trust Paul Dini's writing. DETECTIVE has been the better of the bat books for quite a while now and while the heart theft has a lot of shock value this book hasn't been very over the top during the Dini run. If he's going to pull something like this I'm sure there'll be a pay off.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely. Worst Trek episode ever. What's silly about this Catwoman thing is, she'll eventually get her heart back and then they'll reference it a few times in dialogue, but eventually it'll be as if it had never happened in the first place.
ReplyDeleteI love the arbitrariness weirdness of comic book medicine. Somehow, until the inevitable restoration, Catwoman's body can conveniently be kept alive with pipes and tubes borrowed from the Mopar engine in my brother's 1970 Chevy Road Runner. But why do they have to be exposed like that? No real reason. The artist could just as easily have put some sort of high-tech box over her chest.
But the pipes add visual plausibility. They're cool-ass! Look at 'em. They must be doing something!
"... he took her heart." With the mopey Batman there about to cry and the rusty heart-saving machine over to the left. How powerful a moment. How... choke... how emotional.
ReplyDeleteLord, this is comedy GOLD! Really, you couldn't have picked a more apt comparison than the silliest Star Trek. You just know Shatner and Kelley and Nimoy were giggling like schoolchildren over this script between takes.
... Now, if this builds up to a scene where Hush yells "KALI MAAAAAA!" ... well, it'd still be goofy as shit, but at least it wouldn't be gloomy and goofy.
ReplyDeleteHeart and heart, WHAT IS HEART?!
ReplyDelete"You just know Shatner and Kelley and Nimoy were giggling like schoolchildren over this script between takes."
ReplyDeleteThere's a rumor that the script for it was written as an angry retalliation to the fact that Star Trek had been moved to a time slot where no one would watch it, helping to finally doom it. Because the episode is so silly and sexist that it's ridiculous that it ever got approved. Bear in mind - this episode was the season 3 premiere. XD
To be honest complaining about this seems kinda pathetic. If you can't enjoy the silliness of comics than why do you read them. I can't see anything wrong with this storyline, if Grant Morrison did this you'd call it part of his new silver age style and think it was genius. My opinion is that constant complaints stiffle comics forcing writters to never try something new. Just get over it and go back to complaining about a bunch of 70s characters no one cares about being mauled by dogs.
ReplyDeleteSince the beginning of Catwoman's first ongoing series (launching out of Knightfall) has she ever had to save Batman?
ReplyDeleteHow can you categorically state what is the worst Trek episode? Is there a list somewhere? Picard has an artificial heart...
ReplyDeletebut getting back to the subject at hand, why not just give her a superspecial mechanical heart? or have what'sitsname, that government agency clone another selina, and use her for parts?
so... after this catastrophe, Selina is catatonic? Who is monitoring the catheters?
Top Internet Responses:
ReplyDeleteHoly Wimbledon, Batman!
Holy Tony Bennett, Batman!
Holy Edgar Allen Poe, Batman!
All Of Me... Why Not Take All Of Me...
Catwoman Suffers Massive Heart Attack
Cat Got Your Heart?
Heart Times Ahead For Catwoman
I [heart] Catwoman
Circulation Soars With Latest Catwoman Story?
Your Dog Doesn't Have A Nose? My Cat Doesn't Have A Heart!
You Gotta Have Heart!
Heart Times Ahead For Catwoman
Catwoman Shown To Be Heartless
Heartless Woman Found In Topless Bar
Batman After Catwoman's Heart
Catwoman's Heart Not In Right Place
Cardio No!
and my personal favorite... "oilllcannn..."
So, will Adam Hughes now include a big scar between Selina's cleavage? Because otherwise I call bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI especially loves how this happens in the exact same month of the last issue of her own book.
ReplyDelete"if Grant Morrison did this you'd call it part of his new silver age style and think it was genius."
ReplyDeleteGrant Morrison is already doing crap like this, and no, I don't think it's genius.
I think they should steal Supergirl's eyeballs next. That would be bold.
I think they should steal Supergirl's eyeballs next. That would be bold.
ReplyDeleteThey should blind Wonder Woman.
Three words:
ReplyDelete"Booster Gold's spleen."
"Bring me the arms of Barbara Gordon!"
ReplyDeleteMy point was that it's silly to jump on every silly concept because this is comics silly ideas have a place here. Sure it may not be a great idea but who cares it'll be ignored/retconned/replaced soon enough anyway. If comics are really annoying you this much you should stop reading them. Every comic blog I read seems to enjoy comics even if there are complaints this blog just seems negative all the time, it's depressing.
ReplyDeleteOoooh.... a Frankenstein superhero! (Already been done, but why not?)
ReplyDeleteSo from that pic....should we expect "Iron -Cat"?