
Tuesday, October 07, 2008

"That One"

John McCain calls Barack Obama by his full name in the latest debate:

That's right: "That One."

That's just how politicians should talk to each other. Don't make eye contact, don't shake hands, just point over your shoulder and call him "that one."

Let's see how many blogs have covered this by 11:30 tonight, several hours after the debates ended: wow, at least 20 Google search results pages full.

I was waiting for that Kennedy/Nixon debate moment...that point where people saw the sweat glisten off Nixon's burgeoning five o'clock shadow and it was clear who was going to lead the country into the future...


  1. There is no way to not make comparisons to Kennedy/Nixon. 'That One' is no JFK and McCain is no Nixon, but the contrast between them as far as composure and appearances/mannerisms, etc. is pretty stark.

    I thought that for all of McCain's attempts to not appear sort of evil, he failed. The high pitched 'bedtime story' voice was unsettling to me, and he just came off as creepy.

    When he was doing his thing trying to generate sound bites with the 'did you hear him say what the penalty was' thing, I yelled 'You Dick!' at the tv, which is sort of rare for me. His utter contempt for his opponent, and his inability to even appear civil, lets us see his true nature, I think.

  2. I've said this on other blogs commenting on the elections, and I'll say it here also.

    If McCain wins the elections and/or wins, dies and Sarah 'Hockeymomalaskabang' Palin becomes president, I will call the indipendence day aliens.
    I will build a 'f**k-you-up' ray.
    I will do the infamous 'unhappy dance'.
    I will call Technoviking.

    'THAT ONE'?
    seriously, where does he think he is, kindergarten?

  3. I'm surprised anyone thinks that's relevant.

    Politics ain't dustin' crops

  4. McCain wasn't being rude - he really just couldn't remember the name, Barrack Obama. Alzheimer's you know.

    And don't you think they would get along better if Barrack changed his last name to O'Bama? I'm pretty sure Palin would be less paranoid about him if she thought he was of Irish descent.

  5. Anonymous1:26 AM

    This was my favorite, even more so than "errors, as they are sometimes called", until....

    McCain gives Obama a "good for you" pat on the back and then walks away when Obama extends his hand.

  6. Anonymous9:09 AM

    You know, Esquire did a great piece on McCain for August or September. One of the things they said that was interesting is that McCain has, in the past, been rabidly politically INcorrect. And that aspect of him, his lack of polish, is what he's trying to capitalize on with the whole "maverick" thing.

    But the biggest problem he's having is that he's fatally compromised his maverick status. He's allowed himself to be tamed.

    So, his little "that one" statement is a peak into the old McCain (no pun intended), but the reins placed on him by his handlers have made it sound petulant instead of strident.
