
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Drawings Of Superheroes As Old People

From the blog of artist Donald Soffritti, who has pics of Elektra, Supergirl, Spider-Man and more as elderly crime fighters.

Watch out, Donald! Warner Brothers might sue you if you sell this picture for charity!


  1. Pretty funny. Though Supergirl got it rough.

    I'll need alot more scotch to erase Namor with an octopus in his pants.

  2. Stuff like this always gets under my skin. I think it is because of crap like Earth X where Spider-man & Wolverine are all paunchy old dudes. Man, 80s & 90s, full of crap adolescent stuff. Blech.

  3. thor's kinda hot in that, god i such a bear chaser

  4. Thor's aged to... 35? Supergirl looks like Britney Spears will in about 2 more years.

    Those are pretty cool. I especially like Elektra's pose where she's got that one leg kind of wrapped or something around the other leg. I think John Kricfalusi would point out something about its specificity or uniqueness or something... you know, doing original, different drawings instead of boring stock poses.

    He does it so much better than I do, though.

  5. Love Batman and Robin. Have wheel chair, will fight crime! With balloons!

  6. It's true. Gravity IS a harsh mistress.

  7. My fav was Doc Ock, because his dog had arms that cleaned up his poop.
