
Monday, March 24, 2008

The Last Supper, Comic Book Style

I came across this Countdown panel from this post with Last Supper homages:

I suppose the inference is, that Batman is gonna die?

Among other things, this places Wonder Woman in the "Magdelene" position on the table, and Green Lantern as Judas.

Meanwhile, Foot2Mouth dissects this Countdown teaser image in terms of Last Supper imagery:

Also awesome:

Getting a big kick out of this post:


  1. Years ago, a friend of mine had a brainstorm to photograph our group of male friends in the last supper pose. We all had beards, and Jim dyed sheets for us to wear as togas. There weren't enough of us to fill out the apostles, so Jim took two shots and merged them -- as well as merging them with DaVinci's background, as well.

    If I can find an electronic version of the photo, I'll post it on my blog. It took all afternoon to do, but it was a blast. (As were the goofy "Last Barbecue" and "Last Craps Game" pictures we took afterward...)

  2. Not Magdalene, John the Baptist.

  3. have you seen the battlestar: galactica one? oh i'm so much more excited about galactica than this stupid batman:rip thing.

  4. bquittman is right. Outside of conspiracy theories unsupported by any actual evidence, there's no Magdalene in da Vinci's Last Supper.

  5. To be fair, unless you're Leonardo da Vinci no one can say definitvely that it is or is not Magdalene in the painting. There's no real evidence one way or the other.

    Regarding the blog, the JLA homage was especially well done.

  6. That analysis of countdown is VERY interesting, and also a lot of it seems to be coming true in Salvation Run :O

  7. There was a gorillafight at the Last Supper? Man, I should never have quit Sunday School.

  8. We have notes in DaVinci's handwriting identifying the figures.

  9. We have notes in DaVinci's handwriting identifying the figures.

    Including Grodd? Without the bandolier, i have trouble telling him apart from Mallah.
