As mentioned on this blog before, I'm a big supporter of the Inkwells. Here are the winners for this year (visit this link for more info):
FAVORITE INKER (favourite inker over another's comic book pencil art from '08 material)
Wade Von Grawbadger (Ultimate Spider-Man) winner
Mark Morales (Thor, Secret Invasion) runner-up
MOST ADAPTABLE (showing exceptional ink style versatility over other comic book pencil artists in '08)
Tim Townsend (Amazing Spiderman) winner
Danny Miki (Incredible Hercules, Ultimate annuals) runner-up
PROPS AWARD (inker over others comic book pencil art deserving of more attention from '08)
Matt Ryan (Ms. Marvel, Wonder Woman) winner
Stefano Gaudiano (The Immortal Iron Fist, Daredevil) co-runner-up
Steve Leialoha (Fables) co-runner-up
THE SPAMI (favourite Small Press And Mainstream-Independent: '08 comic book cover-dated ink work over another pencil artist (Non-Marvel or DC work))
Tim Townsend (Witchblade) winner
Tom Van Zandt (Unhappy Gran’ma) runner-up
ALL IN ONE AWARD (Favourite artist known for almost-exclusively inking his/her own comic book pencil work and rarely the work of others in '08)
Mike Mignola (Hellboy: In the Chapel of Moloch) winner
Simone Bianchi (Astonishing X-Men) runner-up
THE JOE SINNOTT AWARD (a hall of fame designation for an inking career of outstanding accomplishment (lifetime achievement, 15-years minimum- not limited to '08 comic book material)- two winners chosen annually)
Terry Austin (winner)
Dick Giordano (winner)
Tim Townsend (runner-up
In addition the Inkwell Committee will also be presenting a Silver Inkwell Award to Bette Simons, in appreciation and recognition for her brother Dave Simons. Dave passed away recently and is greatly missed by many, both as a colleague and as a friend. The committee honors past members with such an award for their contributions and time served. In the past a Silver Inkwell was also bestowed to founding member Bill Nichols upon his departure.
Unhappy Gran'ma got a mention? Awesome! I know the guys who work on it, real stand-up.