
Thursday, November 29, 2007

Occasional Links: The Dilton Doiley Will Have His Revenge Oh Yes He Will Have His Revenge Edition


Casting Thunderbolt

Blog @ Newsarama doubts William Hurt's ability to play General Thunderbolt Ross in the upcoming Hulk flick. Of course, everyone knows that Ross should be played by crusty hard-as-nails actor Sam "'Stache" Elliot. But here are some other actors who could have made the cut:


No, "Archie Meets The Punisher" Was Apparently Not Enough

Comics Should Be Good reviews the latest Archie epic from Tales Of Riverdale Digest, "Denim." Does the story surpass the standard set by the groundbreaking "Civil Chores" event? Is this the last stand of perennial Archie third-string character Dilton Doiley?

And is this a good time to start the "Archie Comics To Kill Archie, Rename Company Jason Todd Comics" rumor?

Quotables & Quips!

We're talking about a guy who points to his unusually high sperm count as evidence of his credibility on gender issues "

-- Reflections on Internet Instigator Du Jour Rational Madman

"Rational Mad Man is the Hugo Chavez of internet fandom."

--I really don't know what that means, but it sounds good, doesn't it?

"No really. F*k you, all of you. F**k you silver age fanboys, and f**k you golden age fanboys. F**k you feminist fans and f**k you masculist fans. F**k you Marvel fans and F**k you DC fans. A big sidewise two by four up the ass f**k you to independent and literary comics fans. F**k you fat smelly fan boys, and f**k you preppy soap loving fan boys. F**k you hot cosplay fangirls and f**k you fat ass cosplay fangirls. F**k you Bendis fans and F**k you byrne fans. F**k you johns fans and f**k you simone fans. F**k you dixon fans and f**k you beau fans. A big f**k you to "when fangirls attack" and a manly anti-feminist f**k you to F**k you all right in the ear."

-- You know, my mom always used to say that when teh Internets stop being fun for you, it's really time to do something else.

"I wonder what Gardner Fox would say if he saw this?"

--Pretty much the essence of a lot of The Four Color Media's Monitor's posts, bless his heart.

"I'm not ready/eager/willing to read Joe Q's personal take on feminism yet."

-- Dan Bizzle's reaction to the proposed Marvel Classics illustrated adaptation of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique.

"Uh...well, I just read Thunderbolts: Breaking Point this afternoon. And before that...I read Penance #3...guest-starring Wolverine. And then I read...World War Hulk #5..."

-- My hastily-put-together answers to the question "what comic books are you into?" at the NYC Friends of Lulu meeting last night.

"J.K. Rowling is a lily-livered literary chicken."

--Berke Breathed

"You folks are so very "special."

--We here at the OS blog try to limit ourselves to only one Chuck Dixon quote a day.

"It’s not a “Laverne and Shirley.” It’s more like a “Joanie Loves Chachi”"

-- Aint It Cool News on the possibility the Herc/Cho team-up in "Incredible Hulk" is just a set-up for a spin-off series. Which begs the question...who is "Joanie" in this equation?


Teh Best Spidey Ad Evah

This ad is too funny.

It will be even funnier if it turns out that whoever made it didn't get the rights from Marvel.

(via Journalista)


When Environmentalism Goes A Mite Too Far

Dollymix reports on a startling new fashion trend apparently coming out of China:

"...there's a new trend of using recycled condoms to make hair bands. *

no wait, it gets better

"It's reported that there's a certain risk of bacteria being transmitted to the girls, as a lot of us ladies put our hair bands in our mouths while we gather hair to put it in a ponytail."

(vomits coffee and donuts onto keyboard)

"Even worse, if the condom that was used to make the hair band does have infectious bacteria on it, any sort of oral or skin contact with the bacteria can cause the girls to catch STDs ranging from genital warts to HIV."

Even Quagmire now is digusted.

"Girls, if you're thinking of using these hair bands, please don't. They're USED condoms for god's sake! Used! They were in and on some stranger's genitals! DON'T DO IT!"

Blissfully unaware:


The OS Community

We now have breaking video of OS regular Angry Zen Master on the crapper

And Brady Russell reviewing Green Arrow/Black Canary #2

Peoples, get to know your fellow commentors. Shoot videos. Shoot videos on the toilet. Or not. But get involved.

Along those lines, I was thinking of including a "spotlight" on regular visitors to the blog. Similar to what they do on Pop Candy --- but, you know, with a far smaller audience and more of an accent on "World War Hulk."

Along those lines, does anybody out there want to corporately underwrite/sponsor this blog? I won't be able to plug any products that suck, but I will host your Nike ads.

Dancing Fool

Video: A Spider-Man 3/Saturday Night Fever mash-up


  1. Actually, the required role for Tom Selleck is... The Comedian in "Watchmen".

    This is just the truth.

  2. As soon as I make my first million, you'll get your share!

  3. The Four Color Media's Monitor scares me. I mean, wow, he's issues if he can recall an internet post from a few years ago as evidence why someone's unqualified (?) to write about comics. Wow.

    Have a good day.
    G Morrow

  4. Peter Parker's dance moves were the best part of that whole turkey...I mean movie.

    Especially when he came out of the department store. Comedy. Gold.

  5. im ready for my closeup! :)

  6. Thanks for linking my thingee! So pumped! I made it on OccSupes! Tomorrow, the world!!!

    Hey, since you're our fearless leader, maybe you should try kicking off threads of video discussions? I bet more than me and the toilet guy would chime in.

    If you want to kick it more World War Hulk style, I'm definitely down. I'd do a video on a topic that you kicked off. I bet others would, too.

    BTW... if anyone out there wants to do video but can't stand the thought of doing it without a little bit of editing capacity, I have this for you: Jumpcut. Check it out. Costs nothing. Online. Veryeasy. BradyDale approves.

  7. Sam Elliot was a genius choice for "Thunderbolt" Ross in that oft-maligned (only somewhat deservedly) Hulk flick. But Marc Price, our erstwhile Edwin "Skippy" Handelman, as the firebrand anti-Hulk hardliner general?

    You're not only an occasional superheroine, you are also a full-time genius!

    I wonder how different The Big Lebowski would have been if Price had stepped into Elliot's role there.

    And pssshhh... I pay no attention to the online doubt brigade. A movie company could create technology to bring a comic book character to life to play himself or herself, and these people would still say, "I want Nikki Cox as Mary Jane!" People doubted Tobey Maguire's ability to play Spider-Man, Brendan Routh's ability to play Superman, Ben Affleck's ability to play Daredevil...

    Err... forget that last one.

  8. I'm the toilet guy! LOLZ!!

  9. I don't see how the recycled condoms can transmit bacteria or STDs. The viruses and such can't survive outside of living tissue. The condoms would have to be melted down and treated with a few chemicals before the latex would be suitable for re-molding into a new product.

    While the practice is absolutely disgusting, it's far less dangerous than the article suggests.

  10. "I won't be able to plug any products that suck"

    Oh shoot, and here I was going to try to get you to plug my solo album*.

    *Don't worry, I'll never finish it.
