
Sunday, April 15, 2007

How I Found Sex And Love At The New York ComicCon
Part II

The world of comic fandom is often portrayed in the mass media as a Never Never Land of arrested libidinous development and sexual frustration. But I am here to tell the uninitiated that there is a great deal of sex, romance, and drama within the comic book community. We only do it funner.

I am sort of in the middle of a drama right now.

There is no drama over who I've chosen to be with.

But I've gotten out of one relationship & into another, there are other complications, etc.

I always like to believe that all this can be worked out amicably. I'm trying.

But, through my sheer brilliance, I've really complicated things.

You see, technically, I wasn't in a relationship before I met David. I had been involved with someone who I had many good times with.

Someone who stood by me when I was injured. But someone who didn't want to commit to me but thought I was going to wait two years for him to sow his wild oats & then we'd be together forever.


In two years, I would be a famous writer & have all this work coming in. Then I could do that series with him.


And he assumed I wasn't going to be available to other men during this two-year-period because of the trauma of my sexual injury. He didn't believe I'd be able to perform. No, he never out-and-out said this. Except for one time.


This post is officially over, now.


  1. Umm, you should wait for HIM to sow his wild oats? Yeah, NOT! It's great that you are such a conscientious person, but 2 years is a long time. David sounds great so congratulations.

  2. These things are never as cut and dried as we want them to be.

    How often do we hear the phrase "..but technically i haven't done anything wrong" ring with something of a hollow resonance, whether it came from the mouth of a lover or our own.

    Basically, guilt can be a bastard.

    You say "because of your brilliance", but you haven't said anything to indicate that this is truly your fault. Okay, maybe this guy made his intentions clear. Once. It doesn't sound like much evidence to base your life-plan upon.

    Go have a great time with David. Heck, you deserve a bit of happiness! I truly hope you can stay good friends with the other individual, but its they who should be kicking themselves for not hanging onto you tighter ;)

  3. Kid, you only get one shot at life, so you need to use it well. Say aloha to "Guy before David." No guilting yourself, and don't look back.
