October 29, 1969: Teh internets launched
October 30, 2007: Zuda.com launched*
October 30, 2009: Marvel for iPhone launched on Comixology
October 29, 2012: DC Entertainment "Neural Implant" launched
October 30, 2025: Marvelopolis's "Excelsior 2.0 Brain-Download" launched, option to virtually live in one of several fantasy settings: Asgard, Wakanda, Lemuria, Atlantis, Queens
October 26, 2050: Superman's robot doubles go crazy, enslave planet
October 27, 2099: Kenshiro "Zero" Cochrane, an under-achieving but lovable rogue, gets shot in Transverse City and subsequently becomes the robot Ghost Rider. Kenshiro battles the Superman robots, liberates teh internets, and becomes the avatar of the new age. Kenshiro's nickname "Zero" was ironic, because at heart...he was really a hero.
October 29, 2031: That long-awaited pole shift happens.
October 24, 4025: The printing press invented. The first book to be mass-produced? The Holy Gylrsfarbx, of course. Then a reprint of Detective Comics #27.
October 23, 5026: The beginning of the Direct Market.
October 25, 5089: The Diuoyygfyuf ComicCon starts becoming too commerical.
October 26, 6002: The 26th reincarnation of Stan Lee develops a webcomic, tells 17th reincarnation of Elvira to "get out of paper comics."
October 30, 6005: More damn Superman robots.
October 22, 6025: Dogs and cats become people, use iPhones, enslave humanity, pee in corners of house.
October 28, 7025: Motion-comics become the dominant form of all entertainment everywhere, saves humanity, reduces dogs and cats back to their previous servile state, cleans pee out of carpets, defeats Superman robots.
October 29, 7056: Damn pole-shift.
October 30, 9009: Printing-press invented.
*Please note: between the 38 years that the Internet was invented and Zuda.com launched, there were also a number of comics of various sorts released online: funny comics, sad comics, happy comics, angry comics. But did they have a werewolf western? Nooooooo...