
Thursday, September 25, 2008

Update On Comments Moderation

Hi all,

I realize a have a bit of comments in the queue that need to be moderated, and rest assured my co-moderator will get to them.

I try to avoid my comments until later in the day, as I prefer to read death threats right before sleeping.



  1. Wait, really? That crazy? Wild.

  2. Is that Teddy Ruxpin?

    At least you know you've made it when you start getting death threats.

    Have a good day(?),
    George Morrow

  3. Anonymous5:06 AM

    I don't see your posts as inflammatory at all... They're far from inconsequential, but overall they preach temperance and have a fair journalistic grounding. I respect that, in an era where too many people are heard solely because they shout very loudly.

  4. "I try to avoid my comments until later in the day, as I prefer to read death threats right before sleeping."

    I actually like to review mine first thing in the AM. That way, I know who to avoid and plot casual revenge against throughout the day. But really, this can go either way. :-D

  5. i love my death threats at lunch. :)

  6. It's the same old story. For every one jerk spouting off threats, there are 99 people who like what you write, are regular readers, but just keep their mouths shut.

    Your site is great, please don't let a few moronic loudmouths discourage you.
