So I finally got this used pair of sneakers in the mail that I bought on eBay, and there's old bloodstains on one of them. Golly. Other than that, they're pretty nice, and have been hardly worn at all. They make my feet itch.
That the author of the
Yahoo Shine article on the Midwich Cuckoo/"Young Hollywood"
Vanity Fair cover
is getting death threats is It's just messed up in every which way. When you get to death threats, abusive's not even about the topic anymore. It's just about wanting to get your anger out, to kick someone's teeth in for something and against someone that isn't even there anymore. It's projection.

That said, I don't believe
Vanity Fair should have purposely looked for one or two people of color for that cover just to meet a diversity quota. If the editorial staff at
Vanity Fair itself (yeah, and Hollywood as well) were diverse, it would have naturally carried over to their content. That's what you want. It starts in editorial, and it starts with the writers and even photographers. Diversity is something that should be organic as the result of your editorial/creative team. Of course, who hires the editorial/creative team? And who casts the movies in Young Hollywood? Does diversity need to be purposely encouraged somewhere up the ladder? Maybe.
Vanity Fair's "Young Hollywood" for 2012 The very biggest mistake
Vanity Fair made with that cover, however, is that it is as boring as hell.
I just don't understand how persons defending a certain point of view would want to attack and make fun of the other side instead of trying to communicate with them. How is this a sane or productive tactic? I mean, do you want to seem cool to the choir and get high-fives for being snarky, or do you want to actually start changing hearts and minds? I just don't understand it. It seems so backward. There's just so few communicators that can reach both sides; there seems to be so little in it for the person who wishes to go about it this way. That's why when I see Obama attacked from both sides, I think: "He was just too damn reasonable." Reasonable doesn't "sell." Batshit insane angry sells.
And yet, I believe that the majority of persons in the United States are far more open to alternate points of view than people think. But you just can't approach them and go: "Hey, idiot: you're a fucking moron. Listen to me."
Do you want to sell a billion books and hit the top of Amazon? Write a political book called "Hey Idiot: You're A Fucking Moron." I'd be as cynical as hell about it, I'd write two versions of the exact same book, one attacking the Left & one attacking the Right:

Or I'd leave the specifics out of the book and let people think I'm supporting their cause and attacking their enemies. And I'd make a billion million dollars.
You know, that book title is way too long. Very unTwitterable. Lemmie change that:
"Hey Morans!"
There we go.
If Dan DiDio is pushing "Watchmen 2," then it's probably going to happen, and you should just accept it. There's just no convincing him.
I'm a bit of a morans, and haven't yet realized The Beat has moved over to Adjust your bookmarks accordingly.
Well, the mail is here with the used pair of jeans I bought off of eBay. Hoping for no bloodstains. I'll let you know how it goes. I really want to save money and help the environment by shopping "vintage," but honestly I'm getting a little skeeved the fuck out.